BCA Student Council elections were a great hit! We had four excellent candidates that campaigned from our class. Anais is seen here giving her speech.
Ella handed out campaign buttons and gave a very confident speech regardless of being the only grade 5 in the running!
Bethany also gave a nice speech with many campaign promises.
And then Super Man showed up....or is that Joey?...Yep. That is Joey.
Newly Elected Student Council Member for Elementary...
Student Blogger--Bethany
This year we are having a group called the Student Council. The high school students were voting for President, Vice President, Treasurer, etc. The Student Council needed a kid from the Grade 5/6 class for an Elementary Representative. Everyone in 5/6 voted for a classmate they thought would be the best representative for the elementary students. Eight were chosen. Four stepped down, and four ran for the office: Ella, Joey, Anais, and myself.
On Monday we started campaigning. We hung posters and handed out slips saying stuff like "Vote for Bethany as your Representative". ON Friday, everyone in Elementary came into the 5/6 classroom to listen to our speeches. After that, we all voted. Joey won by one vote!
Congratulations to Joey. And thank you to all who ran and campaigned hard! Good job, everyone.
--Miss Leonard