Friday, 20 March 2015

Kandinsky Circles

This term we studied a little about the Russian born painter Wassily Kadinsky.  He is a more modern artist and is known for his "abstract" paintings which were supposedly the first of their kind.  Many of his pictures involve concentric circles--a circle inside a circle, inside a circle,etc.--and they even seem to be a theme among much of his body of works.  After looking at several of his more famous works, we  emulated his theme by making some concentric circles of our own.  Each student made two circles--their size and choice of design to hang on our tree.  It makes for a very large as well as interesting collaborative project.  You can check it out in the stairwell beside the K-2 room.  Enjoy!

--Miss Leonard

Thursday, 19 March 2015


What you see here is called a Tangram--it is a large rectangle cut into 7 other shapes which can be changed and manipulated into other shapes or objects, like animals.
We dedicated one Friday morning math class to some critical thinking activities with tangram pieces.  Some people LOVED the puzzles....other people were super frustrated because the shapes did not seem to be cooperating!
We turned some of the puzzles into a competition to see who could figure out the shape first.  It was exciting and a little different. You can see below some of the groups working together to figure out the shapes.

We will have to do it again soon!

Happy Spring Break, Everyone!
--Miss Leonard

Just Having A Little Fun!

It was a rainy day....Miss Weber was gone.....we had the idea.....

Post-it notes and a little extra time with our class = trouble and a LOT OF FUN!  We spent our recess covering every possible surface in Miss Weber's room with 3,800 post-it notes.  You can see below that the teacher's desk was extra fun!

We tried to deny it afterwards and blame it on Ezekiel the skeleton in her room.....but there was photo evidence of everyone enjoying themselves! Even Mr. Tekatch!!

In reality, a couple of gigglers got us "busted" by Mr. Tekatch....but he decided to leave us alone.  Maybe he was afraid his office would be next!

Doesn't he LOOK guilty?!?
It turns out Miss Weber was running low on Post-its and was happy with our gift!  
Good times at BCA!

Moral of the story: Do not go on field trips on rainy days?

--Miss Leonard

911 Assembly

A few weeks ago we had some special visitors and old friends at our school.  Miss Dooley, Auntie Flo, and just plain Flo--it was good to see her and her classmates as they came to do a presentation on their new field of expertise.  Flo is studying to be a 911 operator and she came today to share with our students when to call 911 and what to say and do in an emergency.  Everyone enjoyed the assembly (all the stories and situations that got told) and the goody bags we got at the end.  Thanks, Miss D!!

--Miss Leonard